And now with donations being given with credit cards they're raking it in.
Are you serious
JoinedPosts by Are you serious
by zeb inah yes the convention is approaching.
wife is squirreled away with her wt books, her laptop and the tablet thing ..even at meals.. conversation is a word or two and not often.
spoken to.. doesn't answer.. and on return it will be grumps on for at least a week.. anyone else know this phenomenon?.
Aust census: incomes: JWs falling further behind?
by shepherdless intime for some more stats, for your interest and comments.... it has been well documented in the past that, as a group, incomes for jws are lower than virtually any other religion, in australia.
rather than repeat that exercise here, i set out some detail about the gap between jws and ordinary australians.. 1. jws typically earn much less.
here is a bar chart of income brackets, comparing jw incomes against other australians.
Are you serious
It would interesting to see what the income disparity is like in the USA.
JW renaming things: "It's Not this, it's ....."
by Muddy Waters inthis was brought up in another thread, but i thought it should have its own thread.
feel free to add your own observations and experience.
the jws are so duplicit, and they rename things to somehow justify their own irrationalities.
Are you serious
It's not a good person, it's an evil worldly person.
the cart!
by tiki insaw my first cart today!
at a red light by a little park in the center of the city where there were lots of tents set up and people selling crafts...on the corner by a bus step i see what i thought was an undertaker.
black suit...whit shirt dark tie...and it struck me odd why an undertaker would be there when the funeral homes are a way up the street.
Are you serious
I know in the hall I attended the pioneers love it for the easy hours and no talking to people.
JW renaming things: "It's Not this, it's ....."
by Muddy Waters inthis was brought up in another thread, but i thought it should have its own thread.
feel free to add your own observations and experience.
the jws are so duplicit, and they rename things to somehow justify their own irrationalities.
Are you serious
It's not a sedan, it's a service car.
My mums dying she refuses blood transfusion...the horror.
by Witness 007 inmum has a mild form of lukeimia if she took blood like normal people she could live to be 100. but no, anointed sisters dont compromise jehovah wont allow it.
so here i am moving to sydney for one month going to hospital everyday putting my life on hold to watch my mother die slowly.
watching her gasp for air, struggle to breath.
Are you serious
Wow I am very sorry to hear what you're going through. No one should have to experience that. Last year while still serving as an elder I had to deal with the blood issue when a 20 something year old sister in the hall lost alot of blood from a very curable bleeding ulcer. Her blood levels dropped dangerously low. She almost died a few times but pulled through thank goodness. There I was "helping" as an elder so she would stay strong and not take blood while at the same time wishing I could tell her the truth about the blood issue. Glad to say the excellent doctors were able to stop the bleeding with a last minute last desperation procedure. She would've died if that hadn't worked. I'm so glad she pulled through or my conscience would be killing me. That was one of the final straws for me.
I left the organization
by Issa ini left the organization.
my awakening was this month of july, the first week of july.
i couldn't answer my own questions about the organization or the doctrines, i couldn't understand the prophecies, i couldn't figure quite well what i was feeling.
Are you serious
Congratulations! It's totally worth it no matter how difficult it may seem at first. I would suggest you weigh the pros and cons of disassociating. Once you disassociate you will feel the wrath of the org's control on family and friends. If you become totally inactive then you can still have some association. Weigh it carefully. Whatever you decide I'm sure you'll be fine after all is said and done.
Do You Ever Think Of ALL The Wasted Time Because You Were a JW?
by minimus inthe longer you are out the more you see how a cult steals all your time, resources and energy.
we wasted so much because we were witnesses!
Are you serious
Yes I do. Not only the time but all of the energy I wasted for the garbage. My biggest regret now is not doing something years ago when I began having doubts. I wish I had had the guts to do something back then but as we all know it's difficult to overcome the fear knowing what lies ahead if you go against the org. Oh well at least I'm out now and really enjoying life.
Why I like this site
by UnshackleTheChains inthe reason i like this site is in the fact that it speaks the truth warts and all.
the very title 'jehovahs witness discussion forum' draws the avarage witness to the site, perhaps thinking it is 'apostate' free.. the good thing is that jw's can read the real truth about the organisation/ holds barred.
my hope is that more people caught up in this captive religious organisation will open their eyes to reality!.
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This site has been invaluable to me. Even though I was already mentally out by the time I found it, it has helped me out tremendously in so many ways. From the in depth discussons to learning what others have gone through is worth so much. This site is addicting😀!
Daily Text July 21, 2017: Jehovah is a loving father?
by Sanchy inis jehovah really a loving and compassionate "father" to his children?
as a jw i would have definitely answered "yes", followed by the typical "he allows suffering, but doesn't cause it", or perhaps the "he has created us to enjoy life and wants us to be happy" mumbo jumbo.
today's daily text demonstrate this reasoning (bold mine):.
Are you serious
Enjoyed this post very much! You're right on when it comes to Jehovah, Yahweh or whatever his name is. This is one idea that always made me have second thoughts, before I decided to get critical about it. I always thought why couldn't Jehovah just have started over from the beginning after Adam and Eve sinned to avoid all of the suffering? Now I know. Because he never existed. Wasted many years of my life defending him before I came to that realization.